講 題:R.E.M.信仰課程《上帝創造之工的奧妙》
講 師:Dr. Gerald Bray
日 期:8月4至9月8日(逢週二8:00pm上載)
時 段:每堂1小時45分鐘【9月15日下架, 9月8日前付款報名可透過網上重溫】
堂 次:共6課
語 言:英語主講・不設傳譯
費 用:港幣$50
查 詢:2357 0472
🔴 R.E.M. 信仰課程《上帝創造之工的奧妙》Dr. Gerald Bray主講 🔴
💬創造的教義是我們認識世界的基礎。這一門 REM 的課程,專注在『創造』這重要的課題上,共分成頭一堂的講座,以及接下來的五堂講課。在講座裡,會解説主的創造有一定的秩序,是祂所看為美好的。神所造的一切事物都有目的,其中並有一貫的條理。近代科學發展所以可能,即肇因於此。
⛪Dr. Gerald Bray簡介:
Bray教授擁有McGill University學士學位,University of Paris-Sorbonn碩士及博士學位。1975至1978年期間Dr. Bray擔任Cambridge, Tyndale House的圖書館館長,同期被英國聖公會按立為牧師,並在St. Cedd, Canning Town教區(或聖公會切姆斯福德教區)擔任牧養工作直至1980年。1980至1992年期間,Bray教授任教於倫敦Oak Hill Theological College,主講教會歷史及基督教教義。1993至2006年期間,Bray教授任教於美國Beeson Divinity School,並擔任研究教授直到如今。Bray教授現在是Knox Theological Seminary歷史神學科的傑出教授及倫敦 Oak Hill Theological College Latimer基金的研究部總監。
GERALD BRAY (DLitt, University of Paris-Sorbonne) is research professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School. He is a prolific writer and has authored or edited numerous books, including The Doctrine of God and Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present.
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Dr. Gerald Bray
Creation: What God has made
The doctrine of creation is fundamental to our understanding of the world. This REM course consists of one seminar and five lectures on this important subject.
* 1st lectures: Creation explains that when God made the world he put an order in it, which is good. Everything that God created has a purpose and the universe has a coherence that makes modern science possible.
* 2nd lecture: the relationship between God’s Revelation in the Bible and the discoveries of natural science and shows that there is no contradiction between them.
* 3rd lecture: concentrates on the spiritual creatures – angels and demons – and explains why they are important in our lives.
* 4th lecture: moves to the material world, pointing out that it operates according to laws designed by God and that it has been created for our benefit and for our enjoyment.
* 5th lecture: analyses human nature, as a combination of spirit and matter, and explains what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God.
* 6th lecture: continues this theme by looking at our relationship to God and how this governs our relationships to other human beings.
Together, the seminar and the five lectures give a clear and practical introduction to the wonder of God’s creation.
by Gerald Bray
⛪ GERALD BRAY (DLitt, University of Paris-Sorbonne) is research professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School. He is a prolific writer and has authored or edited numerous books, including The Doctrine of God and Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present.
Organized by R.E.M.
歸正福音事工 rem.org.hk
R.E.M. Faith Course “Creation: What God has made” by Dr. Gerald Bray
The first lecture is a FREE to public online @ REM official Facebook online at 8pm on August 4 (Hong Kong Time)
Topic: Creation: What God has made (online course)
Lecturer: Dr. Gerald Bray
Date:August 4 to September 8 (uploaded every Tuesday at 8:00pm HKT)
Time slot:1 hour and 45 minutes per lesson [Removed on September 15th, registration and online review before September 8th]
Classes: total 6 lessons
Language: English
Format: Online course, after registration and completed payment, the course link will be emailed to the participants 2 days before the course is held.
Cost: HK$50
Registration: Register and pay through the REM Shop or deposit into the REM(HK) Limited Hang Seng Bank account (No. 295-426092-883), and email the bank-in-slip together with the participant’s name, phone number and e-mail, to rem@rem.org.hk, indicate “The Wonder of God’s Creation” faith course registration.
Enquiries: Email to rem@rem.org.hk or call 2357 0472 during office hours
✅Online registration: http://shop.rem.org.hk/product/2008cr/
This seminar has a special paid time-limited online review. Please respect the copyright and do not share links to third parties or save videos as separate files.
Dedication and support: http://shop.rem.org.hk/donate/
All tuition income will be used to support the institution’s continued development and promotion of this new online learning platform.
Purchase courses: http://shop.rem.org.hk/
More online courses will be launched, including free and paid courses. Tuition fees for paid courses are calculated in Hong Kong dollars, and you can watch the course videos unlimited times after registration.
We invite you to subscribe to our party news and other information, please go to http://goo.gl/5vFpi2 to register for the party news.
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